International Women’s Day 2023 – Mamas & Papas IE

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International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day 2023

We’re celebrating IWD by asking the women of Mamas & Papas ‘what would you say in a conversation with your younger self?

We’re a brand of the future - every day we help welcome future generations into the world. And as parents we get the opportunity to teach, shape and guide our little ones. But what, as women of 2023, would we say to our own selves as children? What words of inspiration, hope, advice and strength would we offer to the children we used to be, as guidance as they grow into the women of tomorrow?

To celebrate International Women’s Day this year we asked women from across the Mamas & Papas team - from our stores nationwide, across our head office departments, from our warehouse team to our design team - what they would say to the little girl they used to be. The results were motivating, refreshing and touching, in equal measure.

Here are the golden nuggets of advice the women of Mamas & Papas offered:

“Never let anyone put you down. Know your worth and always believe in yourself. We make mistakes, we also learn from our mistakes and through that it makes us strong. Life is all about choosing right and at the same time taking risks.” - Edwina Quao, Nottingham Branch

“One day you’ll stop caring so much about what people think. So start doing what’s right for you, not what you think will make others happy.” - Rebecca Ramshaw, Marketing

“Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try. It's okay to be rubbish at some things - trying enables you to find what you love.” -- Anon, Poole Store

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy crap... what a ride!" - Jo Thomas, Swansea Store

"I’d tell my younger self 'You must learn who is gold and who is simply gold-plated!' with regards to the complex nature of friendships, as you navigate your way through your teenage years and then adult hood. Many of us would be able to share examples of friendships that have been difficult, toxic and hurtful. I wish I could have had this on my pencil case, school homework diary or in my bedroom.” - Claire Aherne, Cardiff Store

“Treasure every moment with those you hold dearest. Life can change in the blink of an eye and you never know when it will be the last time you see someone.” - Gillian Condron, Dublin Store

"Never give up, grow stronger each day with learning new skills, be strong." - Michelle Greig, Brent Cross Store

"Don’t be afraid of the future- embrace it! You will often say ""it is what it is"" When the times are rough the smooth is shortly behind. Take every moment and remember it time flies! Be yourself and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. You are beautiful inside and out, so don’t change. Hug family like it’s the last time and always say I love you to them at the end of a phone call." - Rachel Weekes, Southampton Store

"Don't romanticize the future so much. Life is too short to care about what other people think. Don't compare yourself to others. Embrace change. Diversify your skillset. Network, even if you don't want to. Don't be afraid to ask for help" - Phoebe Ditch, Plymouth Store

“People will tell you that you can’t do the things you want to do. You will feel disheartened by people’s opinions but it will push you to do better! You can achieve anything you want!” - Lauren Palmer, Swindon Store

“Don’t be so hard on yourself- you are capable of anything!” - Dani Wilson, Ipswich Store

“Don't ever apologise for being driven and ambitious, let that passion and confidence in yourself shine through for everyone to see!” - Bex Allen, Marketing

“There will be good days and there will be not so good days. You’ll hit a point where your carefully planned future disappears in a matter of minutes and you’ll feel that all that you’ve done is worth nothing. But a bigger, better, brighter future is waiting for you and you’ll be so in your career. Don’t take your home life for granted. Oh and on another note, you really don’t need that extra piece of cake!!!” - Hayley Millaird, HR

"Don't compare your life to anyone else's - you make your own path and can take yourself in any direction you want. Sometimes it may be bumpy, or even a dead end but it will re-direct you to somewhere far better. The journey is as important as the destination." - Steph Stott, Trafford Store

“As your priorities in life change it is okay to change your career goals.” - Nichola Fiske, Head Office

“Don't try to be one of the crowd - be an individual and be proud. Just do you!" - Louise Parker, Leeds Store

“Trust your instincts, know that the right time is NOW and appreciate that life is precious.” - Heather Ellis, Warehousing

“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think” - Winnie the Pooh.” - Lucy Everett, Global Sales Support

“Believe in yourself and have confidence in your decisions.” - Eman Bari, Merchandising

‘”Don’t count the days, make the days count.” Life goes so quickly and you spend days, weeks and months worrying over things that are out of your control. I would also tell my younger self, that your character, confidence and charisma can get you far. Yes, education is important and is the foundation but having those 3 C’s as well will enhance your career and even your life. Being you is your super power and we should never change who we are to fit in with a crowd!” - Sophie Fox, Training

“You are stronger than you believe, stop doubting yourself.” - Gail Glass, Leeds Store

“You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - Chloe Hacking, Leeds Store

“From one of my favourite films: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us" - Rebecca Harding, Leeds Store

“I am a mama, what’s your superpower?” - Jo Molineux, Digital Team

“Don't waste your time or time will waste you" - Abbie Woodley, Leeds Store

“An inspirational quote from my favourite film: "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - Chloe Fell, Leeds Store

“This is a quote I got from my daughter: "You will never be bored when you try something new because there’s really no limit to what you can do" - Lauren Audsley, Leeds Store

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain" - Cailey Smith, Leeds Store

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