Top tips for a positive breastfeeding experience – Mamas & Papas IE

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Top tips for a positive breastfeeding experience

Top tips for a positive breastfeeding experience

Celebrity and influencer mamas that breastfeed share their best advice

Let’s talk breastfeeding. At Mamas & Papas we believe that how you feed your baby is up to you - we’re here to support you in whichever direction you’re taking – but as we head into World Breastfeeding Week 2023, we’ve been asking breastfeeding mamas to share their top tips for a positive breastfeeding experience.

@tiffanyc_watson: Have plenty of snacks on hand to get you through the feeds!


“I breastfed all 3 of my babies untill 15 months and can’t wait to start my breastfeeding journey again with baby number 4! If your goal is to breastfeed, one of my top tips is to surround yourself with people who will support you and encourage you along the way. For me it was my mum, sister and my breastfeeding support worker.

If it’s your first baby I totally recommend a good book or breastfeeding class before you give birth. These can be really helpful in giving you a better understanding of how breastfeeding works, the importance of getting a good latch and preparing you for the most incredible journey you are about to embark on! Once you have a healthy, comfortable latch it’s all about persevering. It can be hard at times but it is so worth it!”


“Try be patient and to not worry much about supply.”




“Don't be put off by the first few months. Cluster feeding is normal and it doesn't last forever! If you get Mastitis, feed through it. Even though it can be painful the pain will go away so much quicker.”


“Don’t give up! Breastfeeding can be challenging and tiresome at times but the bond you get with baby is incomparable. Breastfeeding is very nutritious for baby and it has really helped in the development of my kid’s immune system – they’re hardly ever sick! It’s so worth it in the end. If it means me sacrificing my body for a short while to give them the best then I’m all for it!”




“My top tip for breastfeeding is perseverance, patience and a comfortable nursing chair. I love my Mamas & Papas Bowdon chair.”


“My top tip for breastfeeding mums is to “put your own oxygen mask on first” when it comes to your comfort. Choose positions and places to nurse that are comfortable for you. Don’t hunch over or it’ll soon catch up and you’ll be so achy! A drink, your favourite snack and the remote or a book too - a kindle is my favourite night feed companion (and a few biscuits!!) ☺️ and remember, it’s not supposed to hurt, so if it does, seek qualified help.”


“Breastfeeding tip: the start can be difficult, I struggled the first 3 months because of tongue tie and latching difficulties but know you’re not alone if struggling. Reaching out to breastfeeding support groups and lactation consultants are very helpful.”


Breastfeeding Essentials

Breast Pumps

Pregnancy &
Nursing Pillows

Muslin Squares

Storage Bags, Nipple Covers & More

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